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Understanding Target Letters

Burnham Gorokhov

Target Letters: A Look at the FBI and Grand Jury Investigations

Understanding Target Letters

A target letter is an official document issued to individuals who have been subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury. These letters are sent by United States Attorneys Offices and convey that the recipient is considered a "putative defendant" against whom there is substantial evidence.

Purpose of Target Letters

Target letters serve several key purposes. They inform the recipient of the following:

  • Their status as a "subject" or "target" of a grand jury investigation
  • The nature of the investigation, including the alleged violations of federal or state criminal laws
  • The rights of the recipient, including the right to an attorney and the right to testify

How Target Letters Are Delivered

Target letters are typically hand-delivered by federal agents. They may also be sent by certified mail.

Implications of Receiving a Target Letter

Receiving a target letter can be a serious matter. It indicates that the government has a strong interest in the individual's involvement in the investigation. Individuals who receive target letters should seek legal advice immediately to understand their rights and options.

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